Following innovations brought about the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Advanced Fuels Campaign, the nuclear industry is pushing to advance the program’s schedule and continue developing accident tolerant nuclear fuels.

DOE, in partnership with industry groups, National Labs and research universities, plans to demonstrate prototype advanced technology fuel (ATF) in U.S. commercial light water reactors by 2022. The industry is pushing to integrate lead test rods or lead test assemblies made from these fuels in their reactors as early as next year in order to gain operational data.

“We’re encouraged by the depth of support from the industry on the ATF initiative, and by its desire to move toward wider implementation,” Joe Grimes, chairman of the Nuclear Energy Institute’s ATF working group, said.

These new fuels could eliminate the possibility of accidents like those that occurred at Fukushima and Three Mile Island due to their improved ability to withstand damage from loss-of-cooling events.

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